Post by elias kellin kastra on Oct 28, 2012 0:42:43 GMT -7
a million hooks around a million ways to die After two weeks of working around pretentious kids that have parents that will buy them anything they want, Elias was ready to take his pay check, a hard earned one, and do something with it. No, he wasn't going to buy another guitar now that he had one that he was fairly pleased with but instead he had come to the realization that he needed fresh clothes. He hadn't really gone out and bought any clothes for himself in at least two years and with the, maybe, four shirts that he alternated the holes had become so evident that he couldn't even get away with wearing them at work anymore. Recently, he had been promoted to the assistant manager of the music shop and the main manager would always give him hell for his clothes. What was he supposed to do? He hadn't gotten paid yet and his last pay check went to rent and paying the bills since it had been the beginning of the month. Now was his time to not only get some clothes that he could wear for work but also something that he could wear outside of the house. He was lucky the shirt he was wearing at this point in time wasn't completely disgusting so he didn't have to worry about looking completely bad as he walked through different stores.
He brought himself to one in particular that had a few leather jackets on a rack near the front, instantly catching Elias's attention. Truth be told, he was always a sucker for some nice looking leather jackets, regardless of their sale price. Back in high school he wore one that apparently had been something his father left behind. Although Elias didn't really want anything to do with his father at that point he still loved the jacket and wore it frequently. Now, Elias was sure, that his mother's, now ex, boyfriend had stolen it. Elias never took the time to purchase another one after that. Maybe today would be his day.
Falling deeper into the store, Elias glanced at a few of the faces. A lot of them looked at him for half a second and ducked their heads back down to their shopping. Specifically, Elias was starting to go towards the mens section to find some more clothes that peaked his interest equally as much as the jacket had. Maybe he should have looked at the price. This ran through his head for a moment, causing him to tilt his head slightly and look back only to see a flash of a familiar face, "Do i know her?" He asked himself the question but he already knew the answer.
Staring for a little bit, Elias tried to figure out how he knew her first. Work? No. He didn't think he'd ever seen her in and out of his store. The bar? No. For as often as he really went out there weren't a whole lot of people Elias could say he'd pleasantly recognize. He turned his gaze away for a second, feeling a little creepy as to how heavily his eyes had watched her. Once his glace reached the floor he automatically concluded High School. "Hey!" He yelled, although he wasn't sure why, it just sort of came out without him fully comprehending that he was speaking at all. Slowly, he started making his way up to her, carefully watching any body language. Not a lot of people that knew him from High School were ever overly keen on seeing him, although Elias couldn't remember this particular face turning against him. "Your Ashley, right?" Once again his words came out without him really thinking and he shook the name away, "Wait, no, sorry, Aislynn!" A victorious smile crossed his face because he was so certain that he had figured it out.
Post by aislynn teagan roesch on Nov 9, 2012 22:57:36 GMT -7
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=width,400,true][atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=style, background: url(http://i.imgur.com/5STKF.png), bTable][style=float: right; border: 5px solid #e2e2e2;] [/style] [style=font: 12px calibri; color: #e2e2e2; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; margin-top: 30px;]it could be wrong, could be wrong,[/style][style=padding: 10px, 3px, 10px, 10px; spacing: 5px; font: 18px bradley hand itc tt; color: #1c191a; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -1px; background: url(http://i56.tinypic.com/jqjdld.jpg); text-transform: uppercase;]TO LET OUR HEARTS IGNITE[/style]
[style=float: right; background: url(http://i56.tinypic.com/jqjdld.jpg); height: 300px; width: 320px; overflow: auto; font: 10px arial; color: #1c191a; text-align: justify; padding: 10px;]There were days when Aislynn questioned what went through her parents' minds when they abruptly tossed her onto the path of independence. Though she had always known that she couldn't stay under their metaphorical wings forever, she had always believed the transition would be natural and comfortable until she really experienced it herself. It was unfair, but she knew in the back of her mind that it was something she had accepted long ago and that much of her current irritation just stemmed from the fact that she was at work when all she wanted was to stay at home, sleeping in and lazing about. The prior few nights had been spent cramming for an exam, and now that it was all over and done with, she wanted to catch up on the rest she so desperately desired. Alas, it wasn't as if her boss was particularly sympathetic to her woes, and she wasn't in the mood to get fired. Refraining from whining and complaining to her fellow employees, she directed her attention towards straightening up the clothes on the sales racks and shelves. Her fingers deftly smoothed down wrinkles and refolded shirts that had been carelessly tossed aside by uninterested buyers.
To be quite honest, Ais wasn't quite sure why she chose to be a salesgirl out of all the other position jobs available. She had never been particularly interested in retail and fashion, though she wasn't too sure what she was interested in for that matter. While she didn't gush over magazines and yearn for brand-named clothes, she wasn't an utter slob either. She had a nice, neat look that suited who she was, and her closet was full of a nice variety of blouses, cardigans, sweater vests, blazers, and jeans. Her hair light brown hair was a shade that resembled honey, and it was usually straightened and left down or pulled back into a neat ponytail. There were occasional days when she dressed up fancier, but those days were increasingly rare because her reasons for prettying herself up were increasingly scarce.
If she absolutely needed a reason to explain why she continued to work at her current occupation, then Aislynn supposed she could say it was because there was pleasant about helping girls choose clothes that would allow them to dress confidently. Sometimes a stranger's opinion was far more reliable than one of a fellow friend or parent.
Strolling leisurely through the store, she kept herself busy, but she was shaken out of her dazed state when she heard someone yell, "Hey!" in her direction. Bewildered, she looked around, wondering if someone was trying to get specifically her attention. Her eyes rested on a dark-haired young man making his way towards her, and she felt that there was something familiar about him. It took a moment, but her mind eventually connected his face with a name, and she felt silly for taking so long to figure it out. Elias Kastra. The Kastra family certainly had a reputation around town, but she never paid it much heed, unlike many of her peers. It was too complicated to tie him to his family name, and she was more comfortable with identifying him as an acquaintance from high school. His presence brought forth a wave of nostalgia, reminding her of the good, old days. While they hadn't exactly been the closest of friends in the past, they did converse with one another every once in a while, and it was certainly nice to see him again.
Setting down the sweatshirt she had been working on folding, she turned to him. His evident enthusiasm at the simple task of having correctly figured out her name made her smile, and she replied, "And you're Elias! It feels like it's been forever since we last spoke. How have you been doing?"
words || 642 tagged || elias notes || i finally got power back! sorry for taking so long to reply! [/style] |
[style=font: 9px courier new; text-align: center; margin-top: -10px;] ♥ lucie from btn[/style]
Post by elias kellin kastra on Nov 11, 2012 11:47:59 GMT -7
a million hooks around a million ways to die As he settled in a stance across from Aislynn, he allowed himself to examine her more carefully. His eyes wandered over her facial features and he found himself remembering her even better. Different images from high school started flooding through his mind. Elias remembered looking forward, trying to press through the groups of busy people going to class, or leaving it. Then when he looked over and saw Aislynn where they would look at each other and share a smile. Her eyes showed something so sincere while if he dared to look at anyone else adjacent to her all he'd see is a mixture of pity and something sort of repulsion. He blinked, and the images disappeared and all he saw was her face as it is now.
He had to admit, he felt a little bad that he mixed up her name when she seemed to be able to remember him. His memory always was foggy when it came to names. "It has been forever… probably," He laughed a bit at himself. He wasn't even sure the last time he had even seen Aislynn. It must have been sometime between now and when they were still in school when he'd last seen her. "But I can't complain," He nodded and added, "I do have to say it'd be nice to have some time to chill once in a while." That was certainly something he meant. The only time he actually went out to do something he found that he hung around the wrong sort of people and couldn't find himself relaxed in the least. Maybe he just needed a new taste for friends. That's something he probably should have looked into years before now.
For a moment his eyes wandered around the store at the different articles of clothing until they rested back on her Aislynn's face, "I feel like i should have known you worked here, how's it treating you, or even how is life treating you?" He attempted to keep up with the small talk. It had been a while since he'd actually seen someone's face outside of the store that he could even remotely refer to as friendly. There was something comforting of the idea of talking to her, even if it was for such a short while.
Elias stroked his hand through his hair and looked around the store once again. His eyes made contact with the jacket he was looking at before. Well, as long as he was there he might as well pick up what he came to this district for. "Do you mind escorting me over to that rack over there, it will make it seem like you are helping me out," He commented, knowing what it was like to see friends, or acquaintances, or whatever you would justify this relationship as, while at work, "I don't want to get you in trouble with your manager or anything." Elias playfully winked and shuffled his feet over to walk in the direction of the jackets.
Post by aislynn teagan roesch on Nov 17, 2012 2:13:44 GMT -7
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=width,400,true][atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=style, background: url(http://i.imgur.com/5STKF.png), bTable][style=float: right; border: 5px solid #e2e2e2;] [/style] [style=font: 12px calibri; color: #e2e2e2; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; margin-top: 30px;]it could be wrong, could be wrong,[/style][style=padding: 10px, 3px, 10px, 10px; spacing: 5px; font: 18px bradley hand itc tt; color: #1c191a; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -1px; background: url(http://i56.tinypic.com/jqjdld.jpg); text-transform: uppercase;]TO LET OUR HEARTS IGNITE[/style]
[style=float: right; background: url(http://i56.tinypic.com/jqjdld.jpg); height: 300px; width: 320px; overflow: auto; font: 10px arial; color: #1c191a; text-align: justify; padding: 10px;]Glancing over, Aislynn quietly took note of how Elias had changed since high school, though she made sure to look only at intervals so it wouldn't seem as if she were awkwardly gaping at him. Since the last time they had interacted, he seemed to have grown taller. Any boyish hints that had existed in his features when he was a teenager had faded, and he had grown into a handsome young man. He was attractive for sure, and for a moment, she wondered if he had always been this way. It would have been easy to miss back then, seeing as she was always caught up in matters that had once seemed important. She stopped there, deciding not to entertain that train of thought any longer. Basking in too much nostalgia wouldn't lead to anything besides a temporary ache for a return to the past.
Unlike her, he seemed to enjoy the transition into adulthood because of the freedom and independence he was given. Ais listened as he spoke, feeling a bit envious that he adapted so easily. Given what she had heard of his family, he likely had to grow up faster than most of their peers anyway. It wasn't as if she envied his past, and she would never want to trade her parents for anyone else's, but she wanted to know what derailed her from the path of life. One second, she was doing perfectly well, and the next, she was running around in circles, looking for directions to guide her through a vague future. It was a miserable state to be in, but she couldn't blame anyone else. Some part of her felt that it was her own fault for not being better prepared for the future. At least Elias was doing better than her.
Giving him a cheeky grin, she replied, "Nevertheless, I'm glad to hear you're doing well."
After inquiring about how he was doing, it was only natural that he would return the favour. Part of her wanted to break down and tell him that sometimes she really wasn't okay. Though she got through everyday, she felt lost, and the feeling was unsettling. It would have been nice to confide in somebody. She had other friends, of course, but she chose not to share too many private details of her life with them. They believed she was doing well, and she wasn't about to attempt to correct that misconception. She worried that they would brush away her fears and concerns as being trivial and silly, and she didn't want to risk that possibility if she could help it. Seeing Elias was like a breath of fresh air; while they had once known each other, they had never been close enough for him to develop any preconceptions and expectations about her. It would have been easy to tell him that things could be better, but there was no reason to dampen the mood with her inner turmoil.
Offering a simple one-shouldered shrug, she said, "Don't worry about it. I don't know where you work either. I've been doing okay though. It's kind of nice to be in control of my own schedule."
Following his gaze to the selection of leather jackets on display, she hid the smile that had formed on her lips. It was so easy to imagine him wearing one, and it really suited him. It would have been a shame if someone else got a hold of them first. She was ready to suggest they head over, but Elias took the initiative and in a rather graceful way, if she did say so herself. It was nice of him to remember the situation and attempt to keep her looking as if she were really working rather than slacking. Aislynn nodded and followed him, stopping when they reached the jackets. Offering the most professional smile she could muster, she chose randomly and held one of the jackets up, as if critiquing how well it suited him.
In a mock saleswoman voice, she stated, "Well, sir. Since you saved me from getting in trouble, please allow me to express my gratitude by suggesting you take a look at this lovely jacket. I think you would pull off this look perfectly."
words || 714 tagged || elias notes || gah, i apologise for taking forever to reply again. :c hopefully this post isn't too rambly! [/style] |
[style=font: 9px courier new; text-align: center; margin-top: -10px;] ♥ lucie from btn[/style]
Post by elias kellin kastra on Nov 21, 2012 15:27:09 GMT -7
a million hooks around a million ways to die That may have been the first time that Elias ever heard in his like “glad to hear you’re doing well.” As far as he was concerned no one really cared enough to know how he was doing and whether it was well or not. He smiled at her, actually sincere, trying not to look like he was taken aback by the simplistic comment that she probably gave to most people she talked to.
It was strange. Normally if Elias saw someone from High School he ‘d turn away after the brief moment of conversation. He wasn’t one to expand his social circle when it came to the people that victimized his family. But there was an exception. Elias couldn’t recall a time Aislynn had ever “victimized” his family, or even brought up anything that had to do with them. They may not have talked to one another in high school all too much but when people talk about one another, especially in a small town, you knew who you could trust and who was speaking behind your back. No one had ever mentioned anything to Elias about Aislynn in a negative light, especially not her saying anything about his past. Why hadn’t he caught up on that sooner? Probably because he was selfishly wrapped up with his own issues and didn’t go down the wheel of people that also existed near him to realize that there seemed to be someone that wasn’t the typical Caroline monster.
“Fair enough,” He smirked, although Elias had been living on his own schedule on his own for almost a decade… even if it didn’t seem like it to some.
If there was one thing that Elias couldn’t stand was when one of his “friends” came by the music store and didn’t let Elias tend to other customers. Maybe if his boss wasn’t around, then sure, he’d probably be able to have a minute or two to goof off. Somehow, though, they always ended up coming to work exactly at the wrong time and making it look like Elias didn’t take his job seriously. That would be false. Elias almost took his job too seriously. So he always liked to reason when he saw people he knew working. Maybe they’d return the favor when they saw Elias.
Elias turned his body to face back to Aislynn once they reached the jackets. Part of him was just expecting to paw through them as they continued to talk but he was pleasantly surprised with Aislynn’s approach. “Ahh, yes, I imagine I might, if you would please pass it here for me to quickly try on,” He spoke as posh as he possibly could, although it felt foreign for him to do so.
As he reached for the jacket in AIsylnn’s hands he already started taking off his current sweater to reveal his last-resort redish pink shirt. His sweater dropped carelessly to the ground and Elias pushed one of his arms through the jacket. When he got it on he started adjusting the collar, shaking the jacket itself a little until he was comfortable in it. “Good call on the size,” He spoke as he noticed there seemed to be someone else in the background he wanted to assume worked at the store. His eyes then went back to Aisylnn. “My dear, how do you think I look?” He waited for a response before asking, “could you direct me to a mirror that functions for me to look at myself in it.” It wasn’t until after he spoke that he realized how ridiculous that jumble of words sounded. It hardly even made any sense, but he couldn’t take any of the words back now, so he pretend to just go with it.
Post by aislynn teagan roesch on Dec 26, 2012 13:07:47 GMT -7
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=width,400,true][atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=style, background: url(http://i.imgur.com/5STKF.png), bTable][style=float: right; border: 5px solid #e2e2e2;] [/style] [style=font: 12px calibri; color: #e2e2e2; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; margin-top: 30px;]it could be wrong, could be wrong,[/style][style=padding: 10px, 3px, 10px, 10px; spacing: 5px; font: 18px bradley hand itc tt; color: #1c191a; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -1px; background: url(http://i56.tinypic.com/jqjdld.jpg); text-transform: uppercase;]TO LET OUR HEARTS IGNITE[/style]
[style=float: right; background: url(http://i56.tinypic.com/jqjdld.jpg); height: 300px; width: 320px; overflow: auto; font: 10px arial; color: #1c191a; text-align: justify; padding: 10px;]Though she didn't quite realise it, Aislynn had changed quite a bit. She was aware of how hopelessly lost she felt in comparison to who she was in her teenage years. She used to be so completely sure of herself that she could walk towards the future without a single glance back. Now she was always second-guessing herself. But what she failed to notice was that she had also matured. In the past, she was constantly gossiping with her friends. It didn't matter if the latest news had nothing to do with her. She just wanted to know what was going on at all times. The younger version of her had been a busybody, but somewhere along the line, she got so wrapped up in herself that she just stopped caring. Whenever her friends called about having some juicy tidbit of news, she sighed and wearily informed them that it didn't matter. In fact, unless the news had anything to do with her, she didn't want to hear it. Of course, that never stopped them from telling her anyway.
If it hadn't been for her friends, she probably would have been rather lacking in knowledge about the school shooting. Word seemed to spread around especially quickly in this town, and she knew all the details before the news stations started covering it. The instigator was a young man named Nathaniel Kastra, and she was certain she recognised the last name. That night, she woke up startled, finally having managed to connect the dots. Elias. If she had been the old Aislynn, she might have called her friends to talk about it, and she might have stayed away from him like most people in town. Instead, she grew up and realised that the family probably had enough to deal with. She had no place in adding to their concerns, and she wasn't about to judge Elias for what his brother had done. So she kept her lips sealed and moved on with her life, taking no part in alienating the family.
At the time, Ais hadn't really expected to see Elias ever again. They went to high school, and they graduated; they didn't keep in touch because they were friends to some degree, but they weren't close enough to really care about keeping in contact with one another. Now she was grateful that she had decided to keep to herself. How awkward would it have been to smile and converse with him the way they were doing now if she had acted like her peers? Subtly glancing around the store, she noticed several of her coworkers and some of the customers sent wary glances in their direction before turning away. If she had been one of them, she would be completely wracked with guilt at having badmouthed someone who had proven to be very kind and friendly thus far.
Turning away, she redirected her attention to Elias in time to hear him reply in a tone that sounded as posh as hers had been. A soft laugh escaped her lips as she resumed the game, grateful that he seemed to enjoy playing along. She handed him the jacket and watched as he put it on, noting that it suited him as much as she had imagined.
Beaming at his compliment, she replied, "Well, I do try my best." And it was true. Being in retail may not have been her dream job, but she did work hard and take pride in the fact that she had a good eye for size.
When he asked to be direct to a mirror, the phrasing was a little mixed up, but she understood. Nodding, she took hold of his wrist and tugged him along gently while replying in the same type of voice, "You look absolutely wonderful, if I do say so myself. Why, I've never seen anyone pull off that jacket even half as well as you do. You absolutely must see how you look." She stopped when they reached the mirror and turned him to face it so that he could see for himself.
words || 686 tagged || elias notes || i'm sorry for taking forever! please pardon me while i continue failing at life and replying in a timely manner. x.x [/style] |
[style=font: 9px courier new; text-align: center; margin-top: -10px;] ♥ lucie from btn[/style]
Post by elias kellin kastra on Dec 26, 2012 18:05:38 GMT -7
a million hooks around a million ways to die There was one time when Elias had been taken in by the police for vandalizing the side of a building downtown they had spoken to him, seriously. It wasn't an uncommon thing. At least, it wasn't uncommon for Elias to be picked up by the police. A lot of them pitted him because of his family, and he knew it too. Still, there was one cop in particular who, when they picked him up, would talk to Elias about things outside of the crime that he committed. He told Elias, "There is something bigger than high school, everything will change." At the time Elias laughed it off. He knew that things would change, but Elias thought they only way that things would change is if Elias was to push the trouble away, make the aggressive decisions that he was making. Elias was always about pushing away his mother's boyfriend at the time, or getting out of the house and doing literally anything that he could at the time to get out of everything. It was a lame excuse but that was how it was. Now, it was quite evident that everything had changed… for the better. There was the turmoil that got him to where he was but that didn't change how things were now.
Everything had lead him to this particular moment where he was faced with the familiar body that reminded him of the past, but it wasn't a bad thing in the least. His arms stretched out to make his body into a "T" shape. His hands slide down the zipper and took a satisfied tug once he got to the bottom of the jacket. Everything about it fitted perfect.
Elias allowed Aislynn to reach for his wrist and direct him to the mirrors. It certainly wasn't something that he was used to but there was something quirky about it that he enjoyed, especially how she seemed to continuously play along with him. "Hmm, quite, why thank you my dear," As he spoke Elias imagined that if he was able to grow a decent moustache it would be at this point where he'd jauntily make it dance after he spoke.
Once they reached the mirror it took him a moment to actually look at himself. The entire time he couldn't help but watch Aislynn. There was something graceful about the way she walked, and something that made his heart pace a bit of how she was just the right amount of aggressive to take hold of him in order to direct him to this place. As his eyes finally pulled away from her face and followed to the figure that reflected himself a smug smile crept upon him.
"I have to say, you are quite correct, i think this particular jacket was made for me and not another human being," He turned slightly to get another angled look at himself but knew he really didn't need anything else to confirm what he already knew. "My dear, Aislynn, i do believe you've made a sale!"
His eyes moved back to her, and by this time his smile extended further across his face. "You better ring me up!" As he spoke he couldn't help but wonder when she got off. There was something thrilling about seeing someone that he didn't feel like he had to already explain himself too. Meeting knew people had it's benefits but sometimes it was just better to be reconciled with someone that he already knew, even if it was just slightly, because there was already that strange comfort. That was a comfort he could use for once.
Post by aislynn teagan roesch on Feb 24, 2013 2:21:42 GMT -7
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=width,400,true][atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=style, background: url(http://i.imgur.com/5STKF.png), bTable][style=float: right; border: 5px solid #e2e2e2;] [/style] [style=font: 12px calibri; color: #e2e2e2; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; margin-top: 30px;]it could be wrong, could be wrong,[/style][style=padding: 10px, 3px, 10px, 10px; spacing: 5px; font: 18px bradley hand itc tt; color: #1c191a; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -1px; background: url(http://i56.tinypic.com/jqjdld.jpg); text-transform: uppercase;]TO LET OUR HEARTS IGNITE[/style]
[style=float: right; background: url(http://i56.tinypic.com/jqjdld.jpg); height: 300px; width: 320px; overflow: auto; font: 10px arial; color: #1c191a; text-align: justify; padding: 10px;]It was odd to think about everything that led to the present. All the good and the bad and the everything in between had led Aislynn to this place, where she was facing Elias and enjoying his company. If a single thing in her past had changed, then she might not be here right now. If her parents never left her to her own devices, she would probably still be sheltered. She would still live under the influence of the words that people whispered to one another, and she wouldn't have minded because ignorance was bliss. It wasn't often, if ever, that she was grateful for the choices that her parents made, but at the moment, she found that she wasn't too dissatisfied with where she stood.
Saying that Elias was the source of all the contentment she currently felt would sound overdramatic, but it would also be fairly accurate. It felt like it had been a while since Ais had been able to just relax and laugh so easily, and it was likely because of who she was currently with. After graduating high school, she had never really gotten around to making new friends. Although she loved her current friends dearly, there were times when she felt like she didn't belong in her little social circle anymore. She wasn't as naively bubbly and blindingly optimistic as she used to be, and she was always afraid that her friends would realise this and shun her. She could only imagine how they would react if they were currently here, watching her get so friendly with a boy whose reputation spelled trouble. They wouldn't have understood that he really wasn't as bad as what rumours said because even though they cared, they were narrow-minded as well.
It was so much easier to act naturally around Elias. The young woman didn't have to worry that he would suddenly abandon her because they weren't close enough that she would care too much. In addition, he didn't know her well enough to have any sorts of expectations from her, therefore he couldn't be disappointed by anything she did. Without those worries weighing her down, she could do and say as she pleased. Having the load taken off her shoulders was quite pleasant, and she felt more relieved than she had in a while. They had only been talking for a couple of minutes after several years of absolutely no communication, but she felt like that long stretch of time from when they parted ways and to their re-acquaintance was nonexistent. It seemed like they were continuing a friendship by getting to know each other better even though in typical scenarios, a few years was more than enough to make two individuals feel like complete strangers again. Regardless, she was glad that he had walked through those doors and initiated a conversation with her.
A large smile formed on her lips when he stated that he planned to purchase the jacket, partially out of satisfaction that she had made a successful sale, but mostly from the pleasure she felt at knowing she had helped out a friend. Was he a friend? Part of her wanted to ask if they could be considered that now, but she resisted the temptation. If she were to be realistic, it was far too early for her to ask. She couldn't possibly put him in such an awkward position.
Leading him towards the counter, she cheerfully chirped, "Did you expect anything less? I'm a matchmaker for people and the clothes that were simply made for them!" It wasn't true whatsoever, but it was still rather fun to jokingly state. As she rang him up, she leaned over and whispered under her breath, "Since this is a special moment, I'll give you a secret discount. It's on me. We'll consider it a little congratulatory gift because the jacket's finally found its one and only!" She giggled softly and gave him a playful wink as she pulled away, entering her employee code so that he could use her employee discount. It wasn't as if she frequently used it for herself anyway. Shopping was another one of those pastimes that weren't as appealing as they used to be.
words || 708 tagged || elias notes || urgh, i'm terrible. x.x this post is absolutely terrible, and it's amazingly late. i'm so, so sorry! [/style] |
[style=font: 9px courier new; text-align: center; margin-top: -10px;] ♥ lucie from btn[/style]
Post by elias kellin kastra on Feb 25, 2013 9:42:09 GMT -7
a million hooks around a million ways to die Elias felt like he had satisfied some sort of materialistic void inside of him, holding this jacket and knowing that he was able to purchase it. Of course, it wasn't what he came to the shopping centre for. He needed so much more things than this, but all of that left his mind completely and all he could think of was remaining in conversation with Aislynn and purchasing something he actually thoroughly wanted.
His eyebrow raised at her as she mentioned it to be on discount. There was a little fire inside of him that was so proud he wasn't sure if he could handle someone doing that for him, but at the same time he couldn't bring himself to deny a kind gesture either, "That's mighty kind of you," he smiled, although it was full of a little skepticism, "I hope you don't do this for all of your good looking customers." He hoped his joke didn't make him seem like some snobby upper class kid. If anything, it was Elias's sad, friendly attempt at flirting with her.
Honestly, if Aislynn were to walk into the music shop while Elias was working and buy herself whatever the hell she was looking for, he would probably of done the same. It's not like he ran off commission or anything, but he'd go out of his way to be one of the guys working to help her out over them and give her some sort of discount. He allowed his pride to sizzle out finally, the internal flame doused until a real reason for it to burn produced itself.
"Seriously, thanks though." he watched her ring everything through. Hey needed more people like this in his life... not ones where he was going to get anything out of them, but more so ones that actually seemed genuine enough and easy to talk to. There was enough tragedy in Elias's life, it was about time he started letting people in that weren't a promise of an absolute disaster.
Once everything was ready for him to leave with his perfect new jacket, he couldn't help but be a little hesitant. "Hey so, uh," He reached his hand to the back of his head to get rid of a non-existent itch, "What time do you get off? Are you free?" He tried to make it seem like it was some sort of nonchalant thing, maybe for them to catch up or something, but really he felt pretty comfortable hanging out with her and didn't really want to leave. If there could be promise of them seeing each other again soon, he'd probably feel pleased enough to bring himself to leave for the time being.
Post by aislynn teagan roesch on Mar 24, 2013 13:32:18 GMT -7
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=width,400,true][atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=style, background: url(http://i.imgur.com/5STKF.png), bTable][style=float: right; border: 5px solid #e2e2e2;] [/style] [style=font: 12px calibri; color: #e2e2e2; letter-spacing: 2px; text-align: center; margin-top: 30px;]it could be wrong, could be wrong,[/style][style=padding: 10px, 3px, 10px, 10px; spacing: 5px; font: 18px bradley hand itc tt; color: #1c191a; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -1px; background: url(http://i56.tinypic.com/jqjdld.jpg); text-transform: uppercase;]TO LET OUR HEARTS IGNITE[/style]
[style=float: right; background: url(http://i56.tinypic.com/jqjdld.jpg); height: 300px; width: 320px; overflow: auto; font: 10px arial; color: #1c191a; text-align: justify; padding: 10px;]The architecture of most stores was typically about easy navigation. As a result, the sales counter was precisely in the middle of the shop, right in the epicenter of activity. It was a vantage point that allowed employees to scope around the perimeters. Unfortunately, at the moment, it was more like a spotlight. If Aislynn lifted her gaze, she was sure she would see dozens of gazes resting on she and Elias. She had never done anything worth noticing in the past, but he was rather infamous around town in the worst of ways, and she was seen acting friendly with him. She could probably expect a call from some concerned friends tonight; they would probably be trying to make sure she hadn't lost all sense of reasoning. A sense of sympathy struck her, and she wondered how Elias was able to deal with all those prying eyes for so many years. There was nothing she could say to change the way the townspeople treated him, but the least she could do was stand strong and proud that she wasn't afraid to openly enjoy his company. She couldn't imagine most people would be seen around a guy with a reputation like his.
Glancing at him, Ais noted that he could probably use a few new shirts as well. She didn't mean it in a snobby way, of course. It was just that the shirt he currently wore was a faded red and resembled more of a pinkish colour than anything else. The young woman didn't know too much about him, but he didn't seem like the type who believed real men wore pink or whatever it was that boys used as an excuse to use the feminine colour in an outfit. She wasn't sure how she could ask without making it sound insulting though. And honestly, if he really needed shirts, then he would have another (legitimate) excuse to drop by and see her. Not that she was (openly) hoping for him to come visit her again. The more she thought about it, the more she believed that keeping her mouth shut would be a more preferable option.
As she finished ringing up his jacket on the cash register, she heard him ask if she gave discounts to all of her good looking customers. She had half a mind to seriously reply that he was one of the few customers whom she would really consider attractive, but that would potentially make the atmosphere awkward. Instead, she opted for a light tone as she teased, "Well, aren't you confident? What makes you so sure that I think you're good looking?" Part of her wondered if perhaps he had read her mind earlier. She did, admittedly, gape for a few seconds while observing that he was quite handsome. He didn't need to know that, of course.
When Elias offered his thanks, she smiled and replied, "Anytime. I'm here to help."
After finishing up with his purchase, she carefully folded his jacket and placed it in one of the shop's paper bags. She tossed the receipt in the bag out of habit and placed it on the counter so he could take it. It was rather disappointing to know that he had to leave now, but she was pretty sure he wasn't interested in hanging around while she worked. Not that she could blame him. However, she was pleasantly surprised when he paused, nervously asking when her shift ended. If she were younger and less mature, she might have even thought he planned to ask her out on a date. She knew that wasn't his intention, but she was still excited that he seemed interested in staying with her a little longer.
Aislynn glanced at the clock hanging on the wall opposite the counter and noted that more time had passed than she had previously believed. She turned back to him and replied, "My shift ends in three minutes, if you want to wait for a little while? I don't have anything planned after work, so we can go grab something to eat, if you want."
words || 689 tagged || elias notes || <3 [/style] |
[style=font: 9px courier new; text-align: center; margin-top: -10px;] ♥ lucie from btn[/style]
Post by elias kellin kastra on Mar 27, 2013 12:28:15 GMT -7
a million hooks around a million ways to die A smug smirk crossed Elias's face as they continued their conversation. There was this gene within Elias that he had noticed between himself and his sister of having this strange confident air. They'd always had it and used it on different terms. While his sister was confident and manipulative, Elias was confident and cheeky. That was probably why Calliope held herself so high among herself and the few people she kept in her life while Elias was able to remain in the right mind-set yet find himself in fights with almost anyone who ticks him off.
He was slightly taken aback by her question, and let his tongue slide across the teeth inside his mouth as he chuckled a little. "Don't deny the look in your eyes," He allowed himself to wink at her. Clearly, he was joking, if not being a little flirtatious. This might've been the first time in a long time that he enjoyed talking with a girl. Generally most of them rolled their eyes at him, let out on short "ha" and turned away.
"Three minutes?" Elias reached into his pocket to take a look at it his phone for the time. The digital clock flashed back at him, and his lower lip pushed itself forward as he nodded with contentment. "That works so conveniently!" He reached for the bag Aislynn readied for him and held it in his hand. "That sounds good to me, maybe it can be the first time i didn't eat at dairy queen in a few weeks," He laughed, but he was actually partly serious.
His mind started thinking of the different places they could go, preferably a real place where they make food. Of course he'd have food on the brain. Once he was able to stop thinking about it for a second and bring himself back to the present. His eyes looked around for a moment at anyone else that was inside the store and he allowed himself to move out of the line to the cash register.
"I suppose i should probably let you get to work for these next few minutes, you know, a serious power-through," he tried to imagine if it was him that was working. He'd probably get a little anxious, stuck between wanting to work things through and just wanting to leave right then. Just because of who he was he'd probably clock out, or "forget" to clock out of the computer system and just leave.
Post by aislynn teagan roesch on May 23, 2013 22:51:21 GMT -7
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=width,400,true][atrb=cellSpacing,10,true][atrb=style, background: url(http://i.imgur.com/5STKF.png), bTable]
it could be wrong, could be wrong, TO LET OUR HEARTS IGNITE
The way the situation turned out was a little funny. It seemed that lately, Aislynn's life had become boringly predictable. It was the same cycle of college, work, lazing about at home, and maybe spending a few hours out with a friend every once in a while. The routine had been pleasant at first because it was familiar, and familiarity was safety, but as more time stretched on, she began to feel like she was letting her life waste away. Being stuck in a rut was beginning to have wearying effects on her, and that was why Elias' sudden entrance into her life was so welcome. He promised spontaneity and excitement and everything else that she currently lacked and needed. If she had to use a simile, she'd say he was like a breath of fresh air. It probably sounded sudden since they had just begun speaking again today, and their conversation wasn't particularly deep or meaningful, but he made her feel at ease. His nonchalant and laid-back attitude was a relief from the expectations her friends always seemed to have of her. There were no guarantees that they'd be keeping in contact after today, but she quietly hoped that they would. She would like other opportunities to get to know him better, and if his invitation to go out was anything to go by, then maybe it was alright to enjoy some optimism. A small laugh escaped from her lips when she heard his response, and though it might have sounded arrogant coming from another man, he made it work for him. A smile remained on her lips as she scoffed, replying, "I'm not denying anything. I just wanted to make sure you didn't catch a case of over-confidence. I'm afraid you're already displaying the symptoms for it though." Ais hoped she didn't sound terribly snobby. It had been a while since she had utilized anything in her repertoire of witty replies, and it was probably running low from lack of use. Glancing at the small face of the watch clasped around her thin wrist, she wondered how a measly three minutes could pass so slowly. The wait was making her antsy, and she kept glancing over at Elias, who stood not too far away. Though he had explained that he was going to let her be so she could finish her shift, she also suspected he had stepped away from the area near the register as a courtesy to any shoppers who might want to purchase something. Unfortunately, it seemed they were still feeling wary of his presence. The temptation to roll her eyes was almost overwhelming, but it would be rude, and she would almost certainly be scolded by the store manager for being "unnecessarily sassy" if she did. With only a minute or two of her shift left, she didn't feel like being told to stay an extra couple of minutes just so she could get a lecture. Part of her wanted to just trim off the end of her shift. There was so little left of it that it was insignificant, but the side of her personality that placed value in the importance of timeliness and responsibility held her back. However, that certainly didn't stop her from speeding away from the counter once the minute hand ticked clockwise, signaling the end of her shift. She tossed a few words over her shoulder to let Elias know that she'd be right back after she clocked out and headed to the staff room in the back with a spring in her step. There was something exciting about having plans (with Elias) after work. They weren't perfectly mapped out plans, and Aislynn wasn't a hundred percent sure where they would go, but that made her happy as well. Her fingers fumbled slightly as she hurriedly tried to gain access to her locker and what it contained. She took a deep breath to calm herself, and after what felt like the umpteenth time of trying the same combination over and over again, she finally heard the satisfying click of the lock responding. She yanked the door open, gathering her purse and jacket in a crumpled heap. After making sure she wasn't leaving anything behind, she slammed the door shut, putting the lock back in pace. On her way out, she clocked out using the computer system that kept track of shifts and then paused for just a moment to regain some sort of semblance of organisation. What would Elias think if she came rushing out as if the room were on fire? She would make a fool of herself if she pranced around like a schoolgirl on a first date. She pulled her purse over her shoulder and shook out the wrinkles that had formed on her jacket, placing it over the crook of her elbow. After running her fingers through her hair to smooth out any stray locks, she felt ready to re-emerge. Stepping out from the staff room, she immediately headed over to him, a wide grin on her lips. In a sing-songy voice, she nearly chirped, "So, where to? I'm guessing not Dairy Queen, but I haven't been out in a while. Any suggestions?" words || 872 tagged || elias notes || hehe, she's such a spaz right now because she's so happy. x3
♥ lucie from btn
Post by elias kellin kastra on May 24, 2013 15:22:19 GMT -7
a million hooks around a million ways to die A list of people that Elias actually brought himself around could be counted on Elias's one hand. The saddest part was that those people were people he was constantly working with. He wished he could add either or both of his siblings to that list but with the visit he had with them last time it was more than safe to say that he wouldn't be able to stay around them for a while. It actually made him anxious to open his mind to more people. It helped that Aislynn was someone he knew of before, and better yet, she never seemed to be the one to send Elias into a spiral of patronization.
Elias waved her off for her comment, a gesture that could be read “as if”. “Over confidence,” he let the words site there for a moment in his sarcastic air, “More like just enough confidence, not too much, not non-existent, just there and acceptable, definitely,” he started to nod as a way to reassure his statement as well as Aislynn.
Backing off from the till, Elias couldn't help but stealing a few glances back to Aislynn, even as he seemed to sweep his eyes around the store some more. This time, he wasn't necessarily looking for clothes like he might've hinted that he was going to, but he was people watching, and just looking at things for the sake of looking while they waited for her shift to come to an end. She was actually quite lovely. If there was anyone that he could reconnect with, he was glad it was to be her.
His head tilted up towards her at her call and a smile lit up his entire face. Finally they could get out of here and Elias wouldn't have to feel all self conscious about taking her time away from her work. At the same time, he was starting to feel a little more anxious just waiting for her to come out of what she assumed to be the staff room so they could carry on. At this point he wasn't for certain what they were going to do with their time, but Elias had always been a believer of it isn't where a person it is going but who that person is with.
Seeing her come out, he was relieved. He could actually feel some of the burning glares digging into his skin from different people in the store. It was almost impossible to go anywhere without at least one person recognizing him. He's always had the same, long dark hair, and the same lanky body, and the exact facial features that most people associated with the Kastra's.
His head tilted back, laughing for a moment, “No, preferably not Dairy Queen!” He started to walk out with her to the main hall way of the mall. “I'm guessing you are probably sick of being inside of this building too, so first step is to get out of here,” His hands lifted in a gesture of the entire area. If he ha to work in a mall he'd probably go mental. He probably wouldn't even be able to shop at malls anymore. Then again, he did love working at the music shop downtown, enough to even want to be there on his off days.
“Well, if you're hungry, we can go to one of the fine establishments that Caroline has to offer... and not Dairy Queen,” his eyebrows raised at her with a cheeky smile, “But if you're good for the time being we can always just hang out, catch up, you know all that jazz that people seem to do at our fragile age,” He was being sarcastic of course about their age. He was totally cool with just sitting on a bench talking, rolling down a grassy hill, or even playing video games at his house. “There's also my house which is only, like, five or six blocks away which offers both food, shelter, video and board games,” if that isn't too uncomfortable he said as an after-thought. Oh, if people saw a pretty girl like Aislynn walking into Elias's house, they'd might even call the cops thinking that Elias used some sort of tricks to get such a nice girl to be anywhere near his dungeon.